If you're here, it means you're ready for a change and you're looking for something more. And I'm so excited for you because you've found something incredible.

Just a little about me: I am a busy mom with a background in Good Ol' Corporate America. Once upon a time, I was working 60+ hour work weeks in sales and I was completely fine with that. I was a hustler. I was in my 20's, it is my time to grind, right?

Fast forward to my journey into motherhood. When my son was born, those 60 hour work weeks became far more taxing. Being gone before he woke up and seeing him for a mere 30 minutes before bedtime was not enough for me anymore.

My husband and I made a joint decision to give up my comfortable salary and make some financial sacrifices for the sake of our family. I have been blessed not to miss a minute of my baby girls lives but the grass is not always greener right? Choose your hard!

Make great money but never see your family or only see your family? I just knew there had to be a better way.

So in my spare time, I started researching side hustles and ways to make some extra money that didn't also demand a ton of my time. I dug into some of these side hustles we've all probably heard of by now, but they didn't make enough of a difference to change my family's day to day. Until my search led me to Digital Marketing.


I have the pleasure of earning from home (or anywhere with a wifi connection) with all three babies in tow. I have cofounded a mentorship group that teaches others how to do exaxtly the same by monetizing their own expertise. I would love to help you kickstart your own journey!


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